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Winter/Spring Registration is now live!

Music Americana: The Evolution of Style & Content   

When advances in technology, audience tastes, and events lead to changes in popular culture, great artists respond accordingly, finding new ways to speak their minds and elevate us with their music. From Yip Harburg asking “Brother Can You Spare A Dime” to the streetwise eloquence of Eminem, from the serene bop of Paul Desmond to the power of Adele’s heartbreak, from the censor-provoking Smothers’ Brothers to the teen passion of Glee, musicians continue to find new ways to bypass rigid boundaries and inspire us in our time. This course will examine the work, lives, and legacies of these musical artists and attempt to sort myth from reality, with videos, live performances, and research materials.


1. What You Weren’t Supposed To Hear: Yip Harburg, The Smothers Brothers

2. Relax And Dig It: John Coltrane, Paul Desmond

3. The Fair Maid Returns: Joni Mitchell, Adele

4. What The Kids (And Grandkids) Are Into: Eminem, High School Musical, Glee

"MacDonald shows the plethora of his knowledge and love of music." OLLI Patron.

Live In-Person with Video Catch-up. Available 2-3 business days after live lecture. You will have approximately two weeks to view the video.


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