In today's political landscape, pundits across the spectrum emphasize our unprecedented division. Yet, throughout history, cooperation and discord have ebbed and flowed. To comprehend our present, we must delve into our past, acknowledging the complexities of our founders as flawed humans. By understanding their decisions, causes, and perspectives, we gain insight into contemporary political disputes. Through critical analysis and historical exploration, we aim to stimulate critical thinking, deepen historical understanding, and confront our past. Our sessions will span pivotal moments: from the clash between enlightenment philosophy and evangelical fervor to the tumultuous Constitutional Convention, complex founder relationships, and the contentious Election of 1800. By unpacking these historical episodes, we equip ourselves to make informed decisions, irrespective of political affiliation.
Week 1. The Enlightenment and the Founding of the U.S.:
Why We Should Care and What Difference it Makes Today
Week 2. Conventional Wisdom: How We Ended Up with
Our Constitution through Debate, Disgruntlement, Disillusion,
and Decisions
Week 3. Founding Friends and Foes: How the Complex
Relationships Among Washington, Jefferson, Madison,
Hamilton, and Franklin Affected Us Today
Week 4. Dirtiest Election Ever: How Jefferson vs. Adams
in 1800 Set the Stage for Today’s Political Shenanigans
Live In-Person with Video Catch-up. Available 2-3 business days after live lecture. You will have approximately two weeks to view the video.