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Winter/Spring Member Registration is now open! > Courses > One-Time Lectures

Seminar: Dealing With Emotionally Immature People: “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” (Mahatma Gandhi)   

If someone in your life often leaves you feeling confused, frustrated, or guilty, you may be dealing with an emotionally immature person. It is particularly difficult to deal with such individuals if you care about them, often leaving you feeling like you are struggling in quicksand. This lecture will offer a review of the emotional traps you may get caught in with emotionally immature people and appropriate strategies to prevent you from falling into the proverbial rabbit hole when responding to their provocations. This program is being presented as a seminar with limited enrollment to foster discussion.

"I have attended many of Dr. Diamant's lectures over the years. He is still spot on!" OLLI Patron


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