Understanding the complexities of Middle Eastern conflicts requires delving into British diplomacy during World War I. British leaders made conflicting promises to Arab, French, and Zionist representatives, pledging support for an Arab empire, proposing land division with the French, and endorsing a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. Historian Ralph Nurnberger scrutinizes the intricate web of secret negotiations involving diverse personalities, revealing how these contradictory initiatives shaped the region's conflicts for over a century. These maneuvers ultimately contributed to the establishment of modern states such as Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. This lecture initiates a series exploring Middle Eastern border establishment. Subsequent programs will delve into the impact of the Six-Day War in January and discuss the Oslo Accords in March.
"Dr. Nurnberger's presentations are always highly organized, interesting witty stories that reveal history that comes alive!" OLLI Patron
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