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Fall 2024Registration is now open! > Courses > Boca Raton Courses

Racial Ideology and Pseudoscience in the Third Reich   

In this lecture, Dr. Berkowitz will dissect the pseudoscientific and racist underpinnings of Nazism, the far-right totalitarian ideology that dominated Germany under Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945. Nazism and its associated Fascist system were built upon ultra-nationalism, single-party rule, and the pursuit of a thousand-year Reich through territorial expansion and racial inequality. Dr. Berkowitz will meticulously dismantle Nazi state-sanctioned propaganda, particularly "racial science" (Eugenics), which promoted the notion of a racially superior Aryan "Master Race." Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, and Slavic peoples were deemed racially inferior and targeted for expulsion, enslavement, euthanasia, sterilization, starvation, or extermination. Dr. Berkowitz will also address barbaric practices like human medical experimentation and involuntary sterilization, as well as the systematic extermination of those deemed "undesirable." He will elucidate the fallacies of Eugenics and its horrifying outcomes.

"Amazing presentation." OLLI Patron

Live In-Person with Video Catch-up. Available 2-3 business days after live lecture. You will have approximately two weeks to view the video.

  • Racial Ideology and Pseudoscience in the Third Reich
  • Location: Boca Raton Campus


        Member: $30.00
        Non-Member: $35.00
        Price at Door/One Day Pass: $35.00
    Dates: 11/14/2024 - 11/14/2024
    Times: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
    Days: Th
    Sessions: 1
    Building: Barry and Florence Friedberg Auditorium
    Room: Auditorium
    Instructor: Irving Berkowitz, Ph.D.

     Show Description


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