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Seminar: French Culture through Film   

Embark on a journey through French culture with our film course, exploring the works of Molière, Emile Zola, Marcel Pagnol, and Victor Hugo. Through four films adapted from their masterpieces spanning the 17th to the 20th centuries, we delve into the intricacies of French life, thought, and customs. Engage in lively discussions conducted in English, supported by handouts and introductory lectures to guide exploration. All films are screened in class in French with English subtitles, ensuring accessibility for all participants without the need for outside homework or additional viewing. Join us for an immersive cinematic experience that offers profound insights into the rich tapestry of French literature and culture. All films are shown in their entirety. Space is limited. 

No Class November 8th

"The instructor was very knowledgeable and the movies left an impression on me." OLLI Patron

Week 1. “Alceste à Bicyclette”/“Bicycling with Moliè”:
In modern-day Paris, an actor from the famed Comédie Française
attempts to recreate one of Moliere’s most famous works,
Le Misanthrope, an illustration of Molière’s own quandary about
his relationship to humanity.
Week 2. “Germinal”: Emile Zola’s most powerful novel, Germinal,
is a gripping story about poverty and the dreadful conditions in
which the miners lived in the 19th c. Zola’s concerns were heard
through France & “Germinal” entered the French vocabulary as a
cri de coeur.
Week 3. “La Fille du Puisatier”: We’ll return to the Provence
of Pagnol in this 1940s drama about a young woman who finds
herself pregnant and unmarried, repudiated by both family and
friends for her condition.
Week 4. “Notre Dame de Paris”: A hoard of gypsies flood Paris
in the 15th century to request asylum from persecution at Notre
Dame de Paris. It is both visually and emotionally powerful and
resonates today.


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