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Winter/Spring Member Registration is now open! > Courses > Multiweek Courses

Guided Discussion: Robert Frost   

Join Jeffrey Morgan, Ph.D., as we enter the world of Robert Frost. You will never look at his work the same way again. Guided by Morgan, everything you thought you knew about Frost's work will be challenged, and a whole new perspective will be opened to you. In his work, rich with suggestive symbolism that all too often gets misinterpreted, you will see things you have not seen before. The exploration of these poems will hinge on formal analysis, a close reading of the poem to unearth its formal elements and how they work. You will experience Frost's classics and others unfamiliar, which you will soon regard as new friends. The poems will be projected onto the screen in each session, and Morgan will read them as only he can! Please do join us! This series is being offered with limited enrollment to foster discussion.

"Prof. Morgan's class was exhilarating." OLLI Patron


1. "The Pasture," "Mending Wall," "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," "The Road Not Taken," "Nothing Gold Can Stay," and "Fire and Ice."

2. "Birches," "An Old Man’s Winter Night," "The Wood-Pile," "Hyla Brook," and "Bereft."

3. "The Onset," "Departmental," "Design," "The Gift Outright," and "Acquainted with the Night."

4. "The Death of the Hired Man," " Home Burial," and "West-running Brook."


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