Experience the Musical Theater Golden Age from 1943-1969, witnessing a remarkable reinvention of this quintessentially American art form. Dive into the captivating backstories of iconic musicals like "Guys and Dolls," "West Side Story," and "Gypsy," which ushered in a new era of entertainment and left an indelible theatrical legacy. Discover the intriguing tale of "How the British Stole the American Musical" and immerse yourself in the music and narratives of groundbreaking works such as "Evita," "Cats," and "Phantom," among others. Explore how these productions reshaped the genre, setting new standards and norms, and experience firsthand the evolution of musical theater into a vibrant and enduring cultural phenomenon.
Live In-Person with Video Catch-up. Available 2-3 business days after live lecture. You will have approximately two weeks to view the video.