Embark on a musical odyssey that combines a captivating slide show with live performances. This program guides listeners through the roots of the late 20th-century counterculture movement to rock and roll's most iconic festival. Explore the evolution of rock and roll, the emergence of American counterculture in the 1960s, and the enduring legacy of Woodstock on today's music and culture. With dynamic live performances and engaging discussions, experience the spirit of Woodstock and its cultural impact firsthand. The program is led by Florida Atlantic University alumni and School of Rock Boca Raton Music Director Garrett Kealer, along with seasoned instructors who have decades of experience performing at prestigious venues like Mizner Park Amphitheater and The Kravis Center.
Live In-Person with Video Catch-up. Available 2-3 business days after live lecture. You will have approximately two weeks to view the video.