The iconic handshake on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993, between longtime enemies Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, orchestrated by President Bill Clinton, was a moment of astounding hope. The Declaration of Principles signed that day marked the first formal recognition between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The peace process was named after Norway’s capital, where secret negotiations took place, initially unbeknownst to Prime Minister Rabin. The Oslo Accords were intended to last five years, but conflict has continued for over three decades, with real peace remaining elusive. Historian Ralph Nurnberger, former Director of “Builders for Peace,” established in 1993 to support the Oslo process through economic and social programs, will provide behind-the-scenes analysis. He will unravel the intricate web of secret diplomacy, alternating periods of hope and despair, and the conflicting goals and objectives of supporters and opponents of the Oslo Peace Process.
"Dr. Nurnberger's presentations are always highly organized, interesting witty stories that reveal history that comes alive!" OLLI Patron
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