"One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories" transcends geographic boundaries, featuring stories from renowned authors from around the world. Their experiences and perspectives are shared in themes of identity, displacement, love, and human nature, addressing issues of race, language, economy, gender, and ethnicity. Join us weekly as we read and discuss a few stories, exploring diverse cultures and perspectives. Together, we'll reflect on these beautiful and sometimes chaotic renditions of the human experience, fostering a deeper understanding of our interconnected world. Welcome to our book club journey! Participants will receive a pdf copy of the book prior to the start of the first week’s session. This program is being presented with limited enrollment to foster discussion.
“I really enjoyed this class. The selected short stories were all excellent, and the instructor does a great job leading the discussion"- OLLI Patron
Week 1: "Leng Lui is for Pretty Lady" (Elaine Chiew); "Ishwari’s Children" (Shabnam Nadiya); "The Volunteer" (Lucinda Nelson Dhavan)
Week 2: "Porcelain" (Henrietta Rose-Innes), "Cow-Hearted" (Wadzanai Mhute), "Rich People’s School" (Lauri Kubuitsile)
Week 3: "Kettle on the Boat" (Vanessa Gebbie), "A Boy and His Kite" (Konstantinos Tzikas), "Retrenched" (Ken N Kamoche)
Week 4: "The Albino" (Adetokunbo Gbenga Abiola)," Kelemo’s Woman" (Molara Wood); and "Honor of a Woman" (Dipita Kwa)